Tag Archive for: systematics

Polytypic Mytilus edulis, with a name for the Baltic subspecies (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

Authors: A. Gittenberger, E. Gittenberger
Basteria, 85 (2): 116-125


The four taxa of Mytilus represented in European waters are characterized morphologically, with references to distribu­tion, nomenclature, and molecular data. The so-called Baltic M. trossulus is described as M. edulis balthicus subspec. nov. Only two Mytilus species are accepted in the area, viz. M. edulis, with M. e. edulis, M. e. galloprovincialis, and M. e. balthicus subspec. nov., and M. trossulus. To stabilize the use of M. edulis, the type locality of that taxon is restricted to the North Sea off the Dutch coast.


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Triphoridae (Gastropoda) from the island of Saint Helena and Ascension Island, with the description of three new species

Authors: P.A.J. Bakker, F. Swinnen
Basteria, 85 (2): 130-144


The Triphoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Triphoroidea) of the islands of Saint Helena and Ascension have not been thoroughly studied since the first records of this family were made by Edgar Albert Smith in 1890. Since then only five species of Triphora have been known from Saint Helena and since 1975 only a single species from Ascension Island. In this paper we identify three new species records for Saint Helena (Metaxia elizabethclinghamae spec. nov., Nanaphora renevanwalleghemi spec. nov. and Inella spec.) and four for Ascension Island (Cosmotriphora arnoldoi (Faber & Moolenbeek, 1991), Inella recta (E.A. Smith, 1890), Triphora albanoi spec. nov. and Triphora s.l. spec.). Three of the newly recorded species are described as new species.


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