Main editors: Prof.dr. R.A. (Ruud) Bank (chief editor), G.C. (Gijs) Kronenberg (general editor), J.J. (Jan Johan) ter Poorten (layout editor).
Subject editors: J.D. (Jonathan) Ablett (terrestrial molluscs and Cephalopoda), Dr. F.P.L. (Frank) Collas (freshwater molluscs), M.S.S. (Marc) Lavaleye (marine molluscs), Dr. B. (Barna) Páll-Gergely (terrestrial molluscs), Prof.dr. G. (Gerard) van der Velde (freshwater molluscs).
Associated editors: Prof.dr. E. (Edi) Gittenberger (continental molluscs), Prof.dr. M. (Menno) Schilthuizen (terrestrial molluscs/evolutionary biology), Prof.dr. G.J. (Geerat) Vermeij (marine molluscs), Dr. F.P. (Frank) Wesselingh (fossil molluscs)
Basteria is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Netherlands Malacological Society.
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