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The fossil Strombidae (Gastropoda) from Vanuatu (= Nouvelles-Hébrides) described by Abrard, 1947

Author: A.M. Dekkers
Basteria, 86 (2): 88-95


The taxonomic status of the fossil Strombidae recorded by Abrard (1947) from Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) is re­viewed and updated. One of the species is described here as Canarium (Elegantum) stoutjesdijki spec. nov. For the pre­occupied name Strombus minimus var. minor Abrard, 1947, Ministrombus abrardi nom. nov. is introduced. Strombus (Canarium) praegibberulus Abrard, 1947 is considered a junior synonym of Gibberulus gibbosus (Röding, 1798).


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